Soil stabilization is the process of improving the physical and chemical properties of soil. Stabilization helps to increase the shear strength and controls the shrink-swell properties of soil.
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For many years, researchers developed a lot of new additives like lime, cement kiln, and fly-ash to improve the physical properties of soil. But in recent days, these stabilizers are becoming more expensive to use in the soil stabilization process. This problem demanding an alternative stabilizer to make the soil stabilization cheap. Using the plastic waste fibers as soil stabilizers is an economical way to overcome this problem.
Soil stabilization using plastic waste fibers will improve the strength of soils. This method will results in better and longer lasting structures with increased loading capacity. This technique also helps to meet the various social challenges like reducing the quantity of waste, producing useful materials from non-useful waste materials and others. It can be efficiently used for improving the embankment soils, preparation of suitable base for upper pavement structure, etc…
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Project Implementation:
Applications of Soil stabilization using plastic:
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Plastic is one of the major toxic pollutants in recent days. Using plastic as soil stabilizer will drastically eliminate this problem. And also improves the soil performance in the design of pavements and foundations.
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