Impact by moving trucks is the major leading cause of bridge failure or collapse in any country. As per AASHTO LRFD Guide specification, bridge piers should be designed by applying 400 kips static load and height of 4ft to improve impact resistance,
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Highway bridges are critical points in the transportation network and are exposed to various hazards like seismic, hurricanes, floods, wind etc. Bridge overload and impact from ships, trains, and the carrier truck combined constitute 20% of bridge failures.
Understanding the damage modes of the bridge after the collision is an important point for the safety assessment and the subsequent impact on the local transportation network. Most of the work done to collect the data collects only stress and deformations under dynamic loads when the vehicles run on the deck. The impact by vehicle running is much lesser than the impact caused due to the collision of the vehicle with piers.
To study the impact first simulation should be done by taking a pier of a certain size, for example round rigid piers of 24in, 36 in and 48 in Dia. In reality, the non-linear damage can alter the force of impact and its estimation.
The implementation of this project starts with following simple steps:
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This project can be carried out further by using the data of analysis to implement a new design of Piers or based on above performance we can improve the design of piers in following Steps:
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