Construction is a work that leads to environmental degradation that has resulted in global warming and climate change. A good example of degradation in construction work is the emission of carbon-di-oxide accounted as the 2nd largest after electricity generation which is around about 930 million tons/year or approximately 7% of the total CO2 emissions.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
To reduce the emission, the sustainable development concept is applied and it is known as green construction in that the concrete constituents are partially replaced with green or recyclable materials.
Another issue is the rising price of oil has resulted in the rise of the cost of construction material products including material such as clay brick, sand, and several other construction materials. Therefore, Green-material products will meet the challenges of economic and environmental aspects. Sugar mill waste is used in concrete to generate a lightweight and good resistance against seepage. While the use of fly ash is intended as a substitute for cement material, the use of cement in the concrete mix can be reduced. The use of fly ash is proof to increase the compressive strength of the lightweight concrete produced because it will exhibit similar properties of the cement when contact with water.
The agricultural and industrial by-products that are produced by processing of raw materials are used for economic, environmental, and technical reasons. The waste from the sugar refining industry is sugar cane bagasse which is a fibrous waste product. Sugarcane bagasse is disposed of as ash that causes serious environmental pollution, so there is a need for handling this waste.
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Knowledge of Mix design (refer IS 10262)
Cement, Coarse and Fine Aggregate.
Sugar mill waste.
Concrete laboratory with testing apparatus such as slump cone, Compression Testing Machine, etc...
Project Implementation:
Software Requirements:
In this project, we will be replacing the cement with sugar mill waste-based ash and thereby, we are saving some of the native cement (be partially replacing cement content) as a result CO2 emission is decreased to some extent.
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