With the advancement in technology and new innovations in the civil design and constructions, it has become possible to make structures which are much lighter in weight. This is the reason due to which these structures develop initial vibrations. One of the major dangers that buildings possess these days are due to the earthquakes which are caused in the process of energy released by the earth. These natural waves can cause great damage to the structure and therefore many measures have been adopted to make the constructions capable of preventing these damages.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
In this civil project, you have to do the performance evaluations of symmetric and asymmetric RC buildings with and without friction dampers and compare the results. The analysis has to be done using the ETABS software.
Project Implementation:
The entire analysis has to be done the 3D models using ETABS 9.0.4 non-linear version software.
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You can vary these values for various structures and do a detailed analysis of various types of constructions.
After the analysis, you can compare the values of base forces, storey drifts, on buildings with or without dampers. Also, you will get an estimation of the increase in storey height on various parameters. Thus, overall, you will get to know which type of building is better for preventing earthquake damage in different zones of the country and whether dampers should be provided in a building or not.
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