With the increase in population, the need for high-rise buildings has increased many folds. These multi-storied buildings have become very popular in metro cities. With an increase in the number such ultra-high rise buildings, there has also been an increase in the need to make these buildings resistant to the effect of earthquakes and other lateral loads that may cause the building to fail in completing its purpose much before the completion of its lifetime.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
The structure of a high-rise building is dominated by lateral forces and these lateral forces are majorly the earthquake loads and the wind loads. Thus, to resist these lateral forces, the stiffness of the building is of prime importance.
In this project, you have to do the structural analysis of various multi-storied buildings with different plan configurations like C, L, and I shaped configurations. The main aim of structural analysis is to determine the general shape and the dimensions of various elements of a structure which will be most suitable for the purpose for which the building has to be designed and will help the building to serve for its entire estimated life period without any severe damage. In this project, the analysis will be done on models of buildings with different configurations and the models will be prepared using the ETABS software.
ETABS stands for Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building Systems and is one of the most popular software used for the analysis of buildings, bridges, steel structures, etc. ETABS enables both dynamic and static analysis of a structure for a wide range of loads. Here, you have to do the dynamic analysis f various structures of different plan shapes using the Response Spectrum or the Time History Method.
Project Implementation:
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Here, you have to design the same buildings with four different plan configurations which are:
For making the model, you have to specify the type of structure, number of storeys, height of the building, floor to floor height, dimensions of various structural elements like the slabs, columns, beams, etc.
After analysing the result obtained in different cases, you will get an idea as which type of structure is best in a particular condition and also that what will the effect of the various loads on an existing structure. Thus, you can design a structure with better resistance to loads and also predict the life and capacity of an existing structure.
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