Buildings affect the environment adversely in many ways. Buildings produce almost 40% of global carbon emission it leads to global warming problems. Methodologies like green roof technology, green buildings, and net-zero energy buildings are necessary to minimize these problems.
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A green roof or living roof is a roof of building that partially or completely cover the area with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane. Sometimes it also includes extra layers such as a root barrier, drainage, and irrigation systems. Container gardens on roofs, where plants maintained in pots, are not generally considered to be true green roofs. Rooftop ponds are another form of green roofs, which used to treat greywater. Green roofs are not entirely new concept. In ancient Mesopotamia, green roofs used on temples.
Now, most of the developing countries in the world adopted the green roof technology to improve the quality of the urban environment. Green roofs can be adapted for many purposes such as absorbing rainwater, providing insulation, helping to lower the urban air temperatures and mitigate the heat island effect. The only disadvantage of this system is the high initial cost. There are two types of green roofs,
How to install a green roof?
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Environmental benefits: -
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With a wide range of applications, green roofs are becoming more popular to adopt all around the world. Green roofs also suitable for commercial, industrial and public buildings.
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