The roofing system construction plays a vital role in both cost and aesthetic appearance factors. There is a greater shortage of roofing materials in developed countries.
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All types of roofing materials have demerits in terms of cost, strength, weight, and maintenance. For example, cement concrete tiles are found to be good roofing materials. But, their high self-weight requires strong load-bearing members. There is a need for changes in conventional roofing system to strengthen the roof framework. Coir-fibre cement tiles help to construct a lightweight and durable roofing system compared to the normal cement concrete roofing tiles.
Coir-fibre is one of the natural fiber and is extracted from the husk of the coconut fruit. The main advantage of these tiles is easily available in most of every region. Brown coir and white coir are two available varieties of coir. This composite material also possesses lower shrinkage characteristics than cement concrete tiles.
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Composite materials can make the roofing system more efficient with minimum maintenance. Coir-fibre is an eco-friendly product can build using locally available materials.
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