The increase in urban population is a challenging thing for civil engineers in the housing sector. With the help of old conventional methods, it is not possible to meet the various demands of inhabitants. New construction technologies need in the housing sector, to meet these demands at a faster pace. Mivan formwork is one of the modern technologies that comes under advanced technologies list.
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Aluminium formwork system or Mivan formwork technology is used for the mass housing construction. This system is durable, cost-effective and produces quality work with least maintenance. Mivan formwork system is developed by Mivan Company Ltd, Malaysia in the year 1990. Now, this technology has been using in most of the developed countries like Europe countries, Gulf countries, Asia and all other parts of the world. Mivan technology is suitable for constructing a large number of houses within a short time.
In this system of formwork construction, wall and slab is cast in the site, in one continuous pour. When the formwork removed a better quality, concrete shaped with precise tolerances. The formwork used in this technology is very strong, easy to handle and fabricated with accuracy. Another major advantage of these forms is they can be reused for around 250 times.
This construction technology includes the following 3 steps:
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