Have you ever imagined the amount of traffic in our city and its adverse effects on our health?
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6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
According to a recent study it is found that around 15000-20000 vehicles are in use and a huge amount of force is applied on the road and carbon-di-oxide released by the vehicles
The need for a practical device is required where we can use the energy generated by these vehicles can be effectively used to produce the electricity.
Hence after research, it was found that road power generation (RPG) can be used as an alternative for the energy production for the generation of clean electricity from thousands of vehicles on our roadways.
RPG which is developed has a property to convert kinetic energy produced by the vehicles to consumable electrical energy
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Working principle
The vibrations so produced can cause damage to the bearings.
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From the above discussions, it is concluded that the usage of road power generation is developed to overcome the disadvantages of pollution and energy waste. It is also found that the rack-pinion method gives the best results when compared to the other two methods.
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