People refer green concrete which is having the coloured pigment. But generally, the concrete which is environmentally friendly is called as green concrete. This concrete will use less energy for its production, and also emits less carbon dioxide than normal concrete. The concrete is mainly comprised of cement. The main component of the manufacturing of the cement is limestone (calcium Carbonate CaCO3). During the manufacturing of the cement the raw materials are heated about 800 – 1000 degree Celsius. Approximately 1kg of cement releases around 900gs of CO2 into the air.
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Only cement production alone accounts more than 6% of carbon dioxide emissions in the world. It is the major gas that causes the global warming. India is the 3rd largest producer and one of the largest cement consumers of the world. Efforts are been made to reduce the carbodiimide emissions from the concrete some of them are using of supplementary Cementous materials like fly-ash, blast furnace slag etc…
Green concrete is achieved by reducing the amount of the green house gases (specially CO2) when the concrete is being manufactured. To achieve this, we can use the following methods.
Knowledge of Concrete Technology.
Knowledge of construction materials.
Testing apparatus for Compression, specific gravity etc… (A concrete lab can be used)
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Green concrete can the impact on the environment by reducing the carbon dioxide emissions by 30% it is also a possess good fire and thermal resistance.
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