Construction of buildings is usually done on flat grounds, but due to the scarcity of flat grounds buildings are constructed on sloping grounds. Sloping grounds are those which are at an inclined level from the normal ground.
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8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Building shapes: There is a variety of building shapes, like rectangle, I, L, M and among these, L-shaped buildings utilize natural environmental conditions to achieve most of the inside or outside comfort for building users.
Basic terms: There are many types of displacements like lateral displacement, story drifts, and story displacements and also factors, like story acceleration, time-period, etc. The introduction of a reinforced concrete wall called a shear wall is used in this project.
Lateral displacement, Story drift is more for L-shaped buildings when compared to other buildings thus shear wall is used to reduce the story displacement.
The nature of structures built on sloping ground is unsymmetrical and hence it attracts a large number of shear forces and torsional moments and shows unequal distribution due to varying column length.
Asymmetric planned buildings affect more because it has more lateral displacement. To improve Seismic performance shear wall on a building is helpful when carried and analyzed.
In this project, we will study the impact of the shear wall when applied to both flat ground and sloping ground.
Since we discussed there are various parameters such as base shear, story displacement, and story drift. But for a complete understanding of the project values and results, we have considered only important parameters such as base shear, story displacement, and story drift.
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