The advancement in construction methods and technologies are increasing day by day and the demand of the buildings are also increasing due to the demanding needs of the growing population
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Nowadays people require high rise buildings which are good in strength and has a modular look which should be built as fast as possible.
With the emerging technologies and study from researchers, it is found that such methods are developed and need to be practically applied for their existence and a further detailed study on them should be carried depending upon the client requirements.
So the idea of modular constructions came into existence where the high rise buildings can be built in some time and the quality and strength of the building were also found to be good.
Modular building is a concept where the whole buildings are divided into several parts and are directly bought and joined on the site with the help of various elements like nuts, bolts, etc.
Why modular constructions
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Classification of modular construction
There are three types of modular construction
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