Concrete technology has undergone a rapid improvement in the last two decades and internal curing of concrete has gained popularity and is progressing steadily from the laboratory to field. Water consumption has also been an issue and the scarcity of water is increasing exponentially too.
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In recent years the demand for construction materials has grown tremendously, so has the amount of construction and demolition waste, putting huge pressure on the environment. This has encouraged the use of recycled aggregate in concrete which not only allows for a more efficient life cycle of natural resources but also contributes to environmental protection leading to sustainable development. In this study, coarse recycled aggregate(RCA) are used in the production of self-curing concrete(SCC) in varying percentage replacements of natural coarse aggregate(NCA) from 0% to 100% with an increment of 20%.
Curing of concrete is the process of maintaining the optimum moisture content during the early ages of concrete in order to develop the desired strength properties. This process requires a large amount of water for so many days, so idea is to develop a self-curing concrete.
The main objective is to study the durability and strength of concrete, using Polyethylene glycol as a self-curing agent. Self-curing agent reduces the evaporation of water from the concrete and therefore increases the retention capacity of concrete. Polyethylene-glycol decreases the tension on the surface of the water and minimizes the water evaporation from concrete.
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