Nowadays a lot of waste is being generated daily. Developing countries like India, Brazil, Afghanistan are facing severe problem due to the rapid industrialization and urbanization. If the waste is not treated properly it will pollute the environment.
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If the effluent which is the last product of the treated waste is not disposed of properly even it causes pollution to the surroundings. This will spread diseases and make society a dangerous place to live. So, the effluent must be treated and disposed of properly.
One of the best uses of the effluent (effluents has a high content of carbon and fats) is that we can generate the electricity from them. Wastes from agriculture, food industries, and household wastes are best suitable for producing energy because they are rich in organic contents. One of the best methods of generating electricity is by using microbial fuel cells (MFC). In recent years, microbial fuel cells have gained importance because of their capability to produce bioelectricity from organic wastes.
MFCs are unique devices which are capable to produce electricity. This device utilizes microorganisms as catalysts for altering chemical energy into electrical energy under anaerobic conditions which in turn treats the wastewater and also produces the electricity.
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MFCs is the alternative for wastewater treatment and generation of electricity. Electricity can be generated from any waste that contains carbohydrates or fat in it. The only disadvantage is the higher cost when used with more cathodes but the efficiency of the cell will increase.
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