The buildings have a huge impact on the environment both directly and indirectly. It’s not only the materials used to construct a building that affects the environment. How it’s built to operate has a huge impact as well. Buildings also account for an average of 41% of the world’s energy use. Net-zero energy buildings are the best solution for both these major problems.
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2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Net-zero energy or zero-carbon buildings (NZEBs) is a building with zero net energy consumption, meaning the total amount of energy used by the building on an annual basis is roughly equal to the amount of renewable energy created on the site. The idea of net-zero energy buildings has quickly moved from concept to reality. It is an integral part of the green construction movement.
How it works:
Net-zero energy buildings start with energy-conscious design. Many features in building work without an energy source. For example, cold climates, south-facing buildings with large expanses of windows on that side can produce over 50% of their heat through passive solar gain.
Net-zero energy buildings offer a clear and inspiring goal for both new and existing buildings. This technology helps to reduce energy use in buildings, also significantly reduce the impact that buildings have on the environment. Net and near-zero energy buildings are more cost effective when compared to traditionally constructed buildings.
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Step-by-step design map to Net-Zero Energy:
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Net-zero energy homes are the future of buildings and can only be achieved by forward-thinking designers and builders come together to make a home the most efficient living space.
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