Due to the development in high rise buildings proper method of ventilation is not provided, due to which effective heat transfer doesn’t take place.
The load-carrying capacity of the building decreases since proper ventilation is not provided to the buildings
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When these types of problems occurred, various types of research are carried out and the idea of thermal bridging is invented.
Thermal bridging is an idea where the materials have low thermal conductivity than that of an area that has relatively higher thermal conductivity.
This allows the heat to transfer easily and effectively from one part of the component to other i.e. easy heat transfer through roofs, slabs, etc.
Conduction is the working principle for thermal bridging
Design methods
1. Loss of heat and performance of energy
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2. Surface temperature, mold growth, and health
3. Assessment
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It can be seen that usage of the thermal bridges during the summer season can be helpful due to the inward transfer of heat and cannot be useful during the winter season due to the outward flow of the heat and hence forms a u-factor which reduces the overall thermal resistance.
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