The development in concrete is growing and various types of concrete are developed day by day. There are many mixtures of concrete.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
The cement is now mixed with various items and its strength and behavior are checked.
Cement is an important material in construction and without that, no product can be formed.
The present project discusses the behavior of concrete when it is replaced by rice husk and glass powder.
Rice husk ash is a by-product which is left when rice husk is burnt. Various proportions of glass powder are used and are tested for its strength
Materials required
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Glass powder
Design mix
The tests which were conducted are split tensile strength and flexural strength and the specifications were according to IS 10262:2009
The following conclusion was obtained
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