Due to the current development in the field of the construction industry, it led us to construct high rise buildings.
Usually, in traditional practice, all the columns are projected downwards. Thus, there is no extra space for usage in the buildings. Because of this, some developments like parking facilities and play area is not available in the buildings.
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To overcome this, the idea for a soft story is developed. The structure will have some space in the bottom story and other places also that can be used for various features.
Since the ground floor is full empty with only a limited number of columns there are chances of building failure under seismic conditions.
During past earthquake records, a huge devastation of engineered systems and facilities has occurred in soft-story buildings. It has exposed some serious deficiencies in the primary design and construction practices.
This soft story structure creates major weak points in a structure. When an earthquake occurs it causes damage to the whole building. It may even cause serious structural damage along the elevation of the building also.
Now for further development, these soft-story buildings can be built in shapes like M, L, etc. but special care is to be taken about the shape of the building.
Parameters to be considered in the design are based on shear, story drift, time-period, natural frequency and bending moment.
After analysis, these buildings are strengthened by providing suitable braces, dampers and infill walls accordingly.
The methodologies used are equivalent static and response spectrum analysis
The design values and various values like zone factors, important factors, and acceleration values are referred to as per the IS 1893(Part1)-2002
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