In the world of rapid urbanisation, the construction of buildings is been increasing day by day. Due to the limitation of the land tall buildings are encouraged.
But for the construction of a structure requires a good foundation and the bearing capacity of soil must be good enough to resist the loads from the whole structure.
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8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
If the structure is meant to be constructed on the weak ground it requires the soil to be having a good to best bearing capacity to ensure the safety and stability of this structure and also the surrounding structures. This can be achieved in sandy soils by different methods such as compaction piles, Vibro-floatation, etc…
This selection method depends on the variety of factors that includes soil conditions, type of structures that is been constructed on it, availability of the equipment, etc. Soil compaction is used to solve many foundation problems and is specially used to reduce the total settlement of the foundation and especially in sandy soils.
Sandy soils comprise of soil particles bigger than 2mm in diameter. It has very good drainage properties as there are a lot of voids present between consecutive particles. As a result, sandy soil has relatively less holding of nutrients. These soils are very suitable for irrigation as they won’t allow the water more than needed. One of the methods that can be used for soil compaction is grouting. Grouting is the process where it stabilizes the soil by injecting the solution or suspension into subsurface soil.
Knowledge on Geotechnical engineering
Knowledge on performing CBR test
Performing tests like Liquid limit, plastic limit, etc…
Grouting apparatus
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Project Implementation:
Construction of buildings becomes easier with the use of sandy soil that offers more bearing capacity. It is also used to increase the bearing capacity of existing foundations.
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