Due to the advancement in the technology many miracles are seen in the field of engineering, medical sciences, etc.
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8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
But many problems also arose due to the growth of many industries and many diseases are also created. Hence a solution should be developed to detect these problems.
Many infections, diseases are such that their detection procedure is not easy and osteoporosis is one among that kind. Hence its detection is a problem even after observing the symptoms.
Osteoporosis is a kind of skeletal system disease which can be categorized by changes in bone mass density. Its structure is so harmful that it leads to the fracture of the bone.
Bone radiograph images are majorly used to detect this type of diseases. But even using these type of instruments to detect the osteoporosis may be difficult.
The major difficulty in analyzing this type of disease is because of the textured image of osteoporosis.
Methodology used
Stacked Sparse Auto Encoder (SSAE)
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The other processes which are applied to classify an image from its pixels are preprocessing, image sub-division and feature extraction, and pooling and classification.
Support Vector Machine(SVM)
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