Soil Bioengineering is the use of living plant materials to perform engineering function. This technique can be used to treat eroding banks, excess gravel, and unstable slopes and can provide a finished product that treats the problem as well as providing appropriate riparian vegetation.
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Soil bioengineering system has been used to treat variety of degraded riparian areas. Defensive walls of vegetation along the eroding banks of rivers, streams, and ponds are given live bank protection. Live palisades can be used to re-establish riparian forests quickly. Live gravel bar can be used to treat areas where excessive gravel deposits from un-slope erosion threaten downstream channel morphology.
Soil bioengineering methods use living plant materials to build structures to stabilize the problem on site. The construction materials must be strong enough to withstand the forces acting on them. The main motive of building the structures of living material is that these materials would grow, the materials selected should be such that they should have subsequent growth.
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The plant materials are typically stemmed cuttings and must be therefore capable of forming new roots and shoots and use bottom heats for plant propagation. Willows are most commonly used a type of plants for bioengineering works although cottonwood are becoming more frequently used due to good growth.
The project can be implemented in the following ways:
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