Repairing and strengthening of old structures using advanced materials are a contemporary research in structural engineering field. The traditional method is by steel jacketing, thin layers of heavily reinforced concrete or pre-tensioned steel cables covered with thin layer of concrete. These methods are difficult to implement and high cost. Then, fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) has come into market.
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Generally, structures are subjected to geo physical and man-made loads during their service life. When the magnitude of these loads exceeds the capacity or strength of the structures, they are likely to be damaged. Sometimes, the strength of the structure is reduced because of the use of sub standard materials in the construction. Strength also decreases due to the application of additional loads because of the change in functioning. These situations are the reason for strengthening and up-gradation of the structure to carry the enhanced loading. Instead of putting up a new structure in place, a decision to repair is essential.
The development of FRP was extensively researched in the 1930’s. The first use of glass fiber-reinforced polyester composite was in aircraft industry in 1940’s.
FRP composites are now increasingly used in the construction industry and offer considerable potential for greater use in buildings, including large primary structures. In recent years more complex applications have been developed to satisfy the desire for more features in building design. FRP composites have numerous advantages in construction industry such as offsite fabrication, modular constructions, reduced mass, improved thermal insulation.
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Advantages of FRP:
With the application of FRP laminates we can overcome with difficulties of old methods of retrofitting and strengthening.
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