In today’s world, the search for new materials with innovative mechanical properties and sustainability is important. In spite of many advantages, natural fibers have some disadvantages like low thermal resistance, high moisture absorption, etc.
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This project describes the extraction of cactus fibers and the manufacturing of composite laminate using the extracted fibers. Mechanical characterization of the fiber and composite laminate is carried out under tensile and bending loading.
Project Description:
Extraction of cactus fiber:
Step 1: Cactus is harvested with care because it contains spines. So a very sharp knife is used with safety gloves to cut down its stem.
Step 2: The stem of cactus is made into smaller pieces and dipped into dilute HCL to extract the fibers.
Step 3: Outer layer of stem is cleaned to reduce the time of the extraction process. It takes 2 days to extract 60 % of fiber from the jelly substance that is present inside the stem. After 2 days, the jelly substance made separated from the fiber with hands using safety gloves then dried up in the sunlight. Again, the same process repeated for 2-3 times to extract 100 % of fiber the total process will take around 7-8 days.
Fabrication of Composite:
Step 1: Prepare the mold using GI sheet with the following dimensions length of 30 cm, breadth of 15 cm and height of 1 cm.
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Step 2: Place the epoxy and fiber into the mold in Zig-Zag alignment by layer-wise using hand layup method.
Step 3: Cactus fiber and Coconut fiber is placed alternatively one above the other and apply the resin for each layer.
Step 4: Keep the model in sunlight for 2-3 days to gain good strength.
Step 5: Cut the model into smaller pieces according to ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.
Three models are fabricated with the following ratios:
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