Natural disasters are one of the greatest tragedies that mankind has to face in the present era. Though there have been many types of research that are going on in this field and many measures have been adopted to prevent the losses caused by various natural disasters that befall humanity, no permanent solutions have been found for the problem. Moreover, with increasing urbanization, increasing pollution and deforestation, the threat of such disasters has increased manifolds. Natural calamities like earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc. continue to cause large scale losses to humankind both in terms of life and property.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
With the advancement in technology, many preventive measures have been adopted like prior detection, proper rescue, and relief, etc. However, when earthquakes are concerned, no proper prevention is yet in existence. It is still not possible to predict an earthquake. The tragedy comes for a few seconds without warning and results in huge destruction. Prevention and control of earthquakes is a global concern. Many types of research have been done in this regard. Efforts are made to construct buildings that are resistant to earthquake damage.
However, this task of designing resistant buildings is challenging work. With increasing population, multi-story buildings have become popular and when the height of the building increases, the loads on the buildings increases due to dominant lateral loading. This load has to overcome besides keeping in mind the strength, stability and comfort factors of the building. Thus, almost every designer faces the problem of designing a building with proper strength and stability against lateral loads such as wind loads, earthquake loads, etc.
Dynamic Analysis of different buildings can show the effect of various forces acting on the building and how the building will respond if the loads are changed.
In this ETABS project, the effect of lateral loads on various parameters such as moments, axial forces, shear force, base shear, maximum story drift, and tensile forces has to be studied and analyzed.
Project implementation:
The analysis was done for various parameters like story drift, story shear, time period, etc.
The analysis of buildings in different zones can be done and the results can be compared.
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On analyzing different residential buildings in different zones and comparing the results, you need to find the conditions in which the structure is most stable.
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