In case when there is a requirement of a structure with a large span without any intermediate column, most engineers resort to the use of grid slabs. Grid slabs are used in many constructions like halls, auditoriums, showrooms, etc.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
The Grid system is constructed by placing beams which cross each other or are perpendicular directions and are monolithic with the slab. These grid frames can support the load of bridges, water tanks, overlying building stories, etc.
The various types of grids commonly used in India and abroad are:
Grids are so popularly employed as they are very efficient in transferring concentrated loads and the entire structure shares the load. If plain beams are used in place of a grid, the depth of the beams will be a great problem to deal with. Grid slabs reduce the depth to span ratio to a great extent. And thus, they also reduce the cost of construction to a good extent. Grid slab is also capable of holding a greater amount of load compared with conventional concrete slabs.
In this project, you will design a multi-storeyed building with grid slabs and do the analysis for both lateral and gravity loads. The results of the analysis can be studied in comparison to a flat slab.
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Project Implementation:
There can be other loads on the system according to different IS specifications for various conditions.
There are various methods of analysis of any structure. However, you can use the stiffness method or displacement method of structural analysis as it requires minimum input and is much less complex.
After having done the analysis of the above factors in a structure containing grid slabs, you can compare the results with that of a structure with flat slabs. You can now design a building with a d.l90rproper grid system which will be most suitable in that given situation.
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