The use of building materials has been changing every year. Materials like molded earth brick stones, Timber, Steel, Aluminium, PVC which are less in cost and locally available have replaced the traditional and high-cost materials. However, all these materials have been developed to meet specific requirements of climate, availability of skilled labour and specific raw materials to affect the desired economy.
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2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Due to rapid industrialization, demolishing the old structures and constructing the new structures in the place of old structures has become a common practice especially in metropolitan areas. And only some part of demolished concrete is recycled or reused. Due to these strict environmental laws and less availability of the land for dumping in urban areas, the problem of disposing of the demolished waste is problematic. Even the quarrying of the raw materials is becoming difficult due to narrowing of the resources.
Demolished waste from structures primarily consists of concrete, steel, and foreign matter such as hardware’s, woods, plastics, etc. From this waste, the concrete can be used by removing the impurities and crushing it into the desired aggregate size. This can be done by using mechanical devices such as impact crushers, jaw crushers, hammer crushers, etc.
Water absorption of coarse aggregate and fine recycled aggregates must be determined in the laboratory before any concrete mix design using recycled aggregates. If the water content in concrete is increased then it shows the effect on durability and strength of concrete. For this reason, it is not recommended to use recycled fine aggregate in the construction.
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The processes used for processing of demolition waste are
These processes can be used alone or in the combination of two processes. The major difference between the recycled concrete and traditional made concrete is recycled concrete water absorption rate is more than traditional concrete.
Cement, Coarse and Fine aggregate.
Knowledge of Mix design.
Need of a Concrete technology laboratory with apparatus to have testing apparatus such as slump cone, CTM, etc.
Project Implementation:
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This project helps you in knowing the procedure of mix design, advantages and disadvantages of using the demolished waste in the concrete mix.
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