California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a key parameter to ensure the strength of soil. Indian Road Congress (IRC) is also recommended the CBR values as an indicator of subgrade soil strength.
About California Bearing Ratio
The California bearing ratio is a penetration test for determining the strength of subgrade and base courses beneath the pavements. The CBR test is also used to find the load-bearing capacity of soils under paved airstrips. In the CBR test, the resistance of a material against penetration of standard plunger measured under the standard density and moisture conditions.
The CBR test developed by the California Division of highways to test and classify the sub-grade and base course materials for flexible pavements. The design of new flexible pavements and improving the strength of existing pavements needs more accurate CBR values. The conventional CBR test is not provided these required values at a much faster pace. So that, reason researchers developed dynamic core penetrometer to overcome these problems.
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Apparatus required:
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) :- The penetrometer should have 20mm base diameter and a 60 degree point angle. It consists of 8kg hammer used to driven into the soil with a free fall of 575mm.
Experimental Procedure:
Field and laboratory tests to be performed:
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With the use of dynamic cone penetrometer, we can get more accurate CBR results compared to conventional laboratory CBR test. DCP test is the best method to find the mechanical strength of soil.
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