The durability of existing concrete structures always depends upon the properties of hardened concrete. To find the safety of any existing concrete structures,
About non-destructive tests of concrete:
Non-destructive testing of concrete is a method of finding the quality of concrete from the existing structures. This test provides accurate and immediate results about strength, quality and other properties of concrete structures. The non-destructive test provides the results about service behavior of concrete structures over a long period.
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Purpose of Non-destructive Tests:
Different methods of Non-destructive testing of concrete:
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About Penetration Test on Concrete:
The penetration test used to find compressive strength of concrete. The Windsor probe is the best equipment used in the penetration test. The equipment consists of a powder-actuated gun, hardened alloy probes and a depth gauge used to measure the penetration of probes. The probe installed in the equipment will have the 6.5mm diameter and 80mm length is driven into the concrete structures.
The depth of penetration will give the sign of compressive strength of concrete. The main advantage of this instrument is, it can be used for any type of concrete. The penetration test will provide the quick result about quality and maturity of in situ concrete. It also provides strength development of concrete with curing.
About Rebound Hammer Test:
The rebound hammer test used to determine surface hardness of concrete structures with help of empirical relationship between rebound constants and strength. The Schmidt hammer is the best instrument used in this test. It has the weight of 1.8kg and suitable for both laboratory and field tests. It consists of a spring-controlled hammer that slides on a plunger.
While testing the concrete, the hammer forced against the concrete surface by the spring and the distance of rebound measured on a scale. Repeat the test for two or more times on different places of concrete surface to get the average and accurate results. The instrument can use to horizontal, vertical or any sloped surfaces, by calibrating the instrument to that position.
With the help of non-destructive tests on concrete, it is possible to find the quality and strength of existing concrete structures. It also provides the necessary measurements need to increase the durability of concrete structures.
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