Earthquakes have been a threat to civil structures from a great time. With technological events, the structures have become all the slenderer and lighter and are thus more susceptible to damage by earthquakes as they undergo more sway under the effect of wind loads.
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1. GIS
2. Structural & Foundation Analysis
5. Construction Project Management
6. Building Information Modelling
8. Project Management with Primavera
10. ETABS Software
Many measures have been taken to make the structures resistant to damage caused by earthquakes and one of those measures is the use of lateral load resisting systems in the building configurations. Earlier only gravity loads were given importance but now the effect of height and seismic load has made the lateral load equally important. The lateral loads basically wind loads and earthquake loads.
The design of the building depends to a great extent on the seismic zone in which the building lies and the soil type.
In this civil project, you have to use a square grid in each direction on a model of the building designed using the ETABS software. The model has to analyse for different cases by varying different parameters to study the effect of different cases on buildings with different conditions and different types of soil.
Building design:
The design of a multi-storeyed building involves the selection of proper structural elements and their arrangements. The whole purpose is to design a structure that is able to resist both lateral and gravity loads. The factors which should be taken care of are the internal design, the material used, location of the structure, magnitude and nature of the loads, and height of the structure.
You should take care of the following things:
In this project, you have to determine parameters like lateral shift, drifts, base shear, time period at buildings of different height in all types of soil. The results will be recorded for structures with bare frame, frames with shear walls, structures with bracings and at the end you have to compare the results in all the three cases.
The analysis has to be done by the Response Spectrum Method.
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Project Implementation:
You need to specify parameters like:
In the end, you will have a detailed report of the effects of different factors on the different type of structure on different soil type. Thus, you can decide which of the cases is best for resisting the lateral loads.
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