One way or another, concrete structures always contributing pollutants for environmental pollutions. In heavy rainfall areas, the concrete pavements becoming a major source for water pollution.
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The soil beneath the pavements has a great ability to filter the contaminated stormwater runoff. If the concrete designed to allow the rainwater to pass through the pavement and reach the soil beneath the pavement. Then soil and plant roots absorb the pollutants from the rainwater. Permeable or pervious concrete offer this kind of property for pavement or slab to allow the water to pass through it.
About permeable concrete:
Permeable concrete is a special type of concrete which creates a very porous medium that allows water to drain to the underlying soils. It is a mixture of cement, water, and coarse aggregate. Chemical admixtures added to the permeable concrete in case of special situations. The permeable concrete structures encourage the natural infiltration of the area. So that the filtered water can recharge the water table. The storage potential of the system will increase with the addition of coarse granular material below the pavement.
Materials required:
How to make permeable concrete:
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The permeable concrete can used in the following areas,
With the wide range of applications permeable concrete is becoming the most useful construction material. Not only does it decrease surface runoff, due to the lighter colour of concrete reflects sunlight and stays cooler in the summer.
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