The Aluminium element was discovered 200 years ago. After the technological development, Aluminium alloy is being used in structural applications even in the civil engineering field. It is the 2nd highly used metal after steel, and it is been used in all sectors from commercial building to a domestic dwelling. In the UK about 40% of Aluminium is used only in the construction industry which will be equal to 150000 tonnes of Aluminium per year.
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10. ETABS Software
The main sectors of the market for Aluminium are roofing, curtain walling, structural glazing, architectural hardware, roofing, prefabricated buildings, Heating & Ventilation, partitions, and shopfitting. Aluminium is also used in ladders and scaffolding. The pure Aluminium has very less strength. For manufacturing different components, it is alloyed with other metals and materials to increase its strength. The wrought Aluminium which is a heavily alloyed still has about 92% of Aluminium content in it.
The applications of the Aluminium range from facades, roof, and walls too. World-class constructors are also planning to use Aluminium in modern doors, balconies, windows, and facades too because Aluminium can be used easily and suitable for surface treatment, and soundproofing, air conditioning, and solar heating.
One of Aluminium’s primary attracting property for its recommendations is its strength to weight ratio. At 2.7g/cm, Aluminium is 66% lighter than steel. It is also far less susceptible to brittle fractures. When Aluminium is compared with steel, it has greater young’s modulus which means the weight ratios of 1:2 can be attained easily.
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Use of Aluminium in construction.
Finding modulus of elasticity of Aluminium and Iron (Need Universal Testing Machine)
Project Implementation:
No construction material is perfect. For example, timber can be affected by moisture, it requires maintenance and it cannot be molded to required shapes. Whereas steel has poor strength to weight ratio and rusts when it is not treated.
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