Urban migration is the major reason for the generation of large amounts of sewage water. To overcome that large number of sewage treatment plants are built.
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These sewage treatment plants are located away from the town and are established on the basis of the sewage nature, source of generation, etc…This sewage treatment plants are energy-intensive. They will consume nearly 20% of the total power consumption of the city. This is due to the running of grit chambers, skimming tanks, etc… so it is necessary to find some other procedure that can reduce the use of electricity of sewage treatment plant. It is also good if we produce electricity from sewage treatment plants.
Treated sewage water can be used to produce the hydropower just like hydroelectricity. The treated sewage water is however mixed or pumped into the oceans or rivers or also used to irrigate farmland. Instead of pumping the water out we can create a head that makes the turbines to rotate so the electricity can be generated.
Knowledge of Environmental Engineering.
Knowledge of Fluid Mechanics.
Test the parameters of water (like density, viscosity, etc…)
Project Implementation:
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Software Requirements:
This project proves that the electricity can be generated from the sewage treated water that is being released freely into the seas and oceans, also we can generate this electricity without interruption as sewage is generated in tonnes daily in metropolitan cities and making this as renewable energy.
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