Damp is identified as one of the agents which can easily deteriorate a structure and weaken the strength of the building. Hence the life-span of the building is not attained as per the design period. The unwanted moisture that presents in part of the structure is called Damp. The Damp may occur due to seepage of rainwater from the outside environment or due to condensation within the structure.
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Dampness will cause secondary damage to a building. The unwanted moisture in the structure will encourage the growth of various fungi in the wood that causes rots and damages the wood and leads to sick building syndrome. Painted walls and wallpapers and even plastering will get stained and even fall down like flakes. It can also cause damage to structural components of buildings and deteriorate the building.
Dampness even leads to problems like poor indoor air qualities, respiratory illness to the residents in the buildings, mortar fall from the affected areas, failure of building components and also causes serious health effects to the humans. So, there is a need to know the causes, prevention, and treatment of the damp in the building.
The sources of dampness can be
Methods for preventing damp in buildings are:
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Identifying the dampness in the buildings.
Techniques of prevention of dampness in the buildings
Project Implementation:
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Dampness in the building is a serious problem that must be concerned in the present scenario as it can cause structural failures in the building. When the moisture enters into the structural components of the building it increases the volume of the reinforcement which can eventually lead to failure of structures. Above mentioned techniques are followed to avoid this.
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