Artificial turf is a natural grass like looking surface made of synthetic fibers. It is generally used in sports grounds which are meant to played on grass.
But now everyone is using this artificial true in commercial applications and residential lawns for aesthetic view. The main reason of using this that it does not require any sunlight, irrigation or trimming.
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This is used in the place of grass and generally used in the places where there is a difficulty in growing the grass or maintenance of grass is impossible or undesired. The newer artificial turf has been treated chemically to resist the ultraviolent rays and also increased the wear-resistant, and smooth etc… to make more look and feel like natural grass. The use of this artificial turf has been started in early 19060s and was made by Chemstrand company.
The turf used today includes a multi layered backing system, and drainage layer to pass the water and avoid the stagnation of water. These turf blades (grass) is filled with granular filler to resemble the natural grass. The top layer of this turf is made up of sand and granulated rubber tyre and other infill materials that will provide uniformity, stability and resiliency. The height of the grass or turf fibre depends upon the purpose or type of play that is to be played on it.
Nylon (for grass material)
Polyester (for carpet)
Rubber compounds (for cushioning systems)
Project Implementation:
This artificial is made in the industries using different techniques and they keep it as confidential as that is the secret of their business. One of the methods is all the ingredients are together put in a hopper, chemicals are dyes are added to the turf as it has to be protected ultraviolent rays from sun and give it a traditional green grass. This batch thoroughly blended until taffy like consistency and this liquid made into small thread like material. Then this is attached to the surface which may be one the above given cushioning material.
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This introduction of artificial turf has made to maintain the playground very easy. Natural grass grows very fast and need regular maintenance and also trimming too. But it also has its side effects such as limited life, toxic components etc.
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