Liquefaction is a process that leads to soil suddenly losing strength, As a result of ground shaking during an earthquake. However, not all the soils liquefy during an earthquake.
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Although earthquakes often trigger this increase in water pressure, activities such as blasting can also cause an increase in water pressure. When liquefaction occurs, it decreases the strength and ability of the soil to support the construction above it.
To understand liquefaction, it is important to recognize the conditions that exist in a soil deposit before an earthquake. A soil deposit consists of an assemblage of individual soil particles. Each particle will be in contact with the number of neighboring particles.
Causes of liquefaction:
Liquefaction occurs when the structure of saturated and breaks due to applied loading. As the structure breaks down, the loose soil particles move into a denser medium.
In an earthquake yet, there is not enough time for the water in the pores of the soil to come out. Instead, the water trapped and prevents the soil particles from moving closer together. This is an increased water pressure which reduces the contact forces between particles. It also softens and weakens the individual soil particles.
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Liquefaction mitigation methods:
Methods to mitigate the effects of soil liquefaction are:
The detailed study of liquefaction must be undertaken by the Indian earthquake regions. The preventive measures must be taken against failures and improve the techniques of compaction.
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Liquefaction is a process that leads to soil losing strength. Most commonly, as a result of ground shaking during large earthquakes. Not all soils yet, will liquefy during an earthquake.
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