With the blast of Smart Phones, Internet of things (IoT), Industrial Automation, Smart Home Automation systems and so forth the interest for internet is likewise developing exponentially. The technology has developed such a lot of that everything from our vehicle to our refrigerator needs an association with the web. This brings up different issues like; Will there be sufficient data transmission for every one of these gadgets? Will this information be secure? Will the current system be quick enough for everyone of this information? Will there be an excessive amount of combination on the network traffic?
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9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Every one of these inquiries will be handled by this up and coming technology called Li-Fi. So, what is LiFi? The term Li-Fi means "Light Fidelity". This is believed to be the up and coming age of the web, where Light will be utilized as a medium to ship information. Indeed, you read it right; it is a similar Light that you use in your homes and offices which, with certain modifications can be utilized to transmit information to every one of your gadgets that require the internet. Right now, will fabricate a straightforward circuit to move Audio Data utilizing Li-Fi. On the whole, we will find out about Li-Fi Technology.
Components required:
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We have two circuits one for Receiver side and other for transmitter side.
Transmitter Circuit for Li-Fi:
On the transmitter side, we have white Bright LED and a battery which is associated with 3.5mm jack and jack will be associated with a sound source. Here we are utilizing a battery to control up the LEDs in light of the fact that there is less force originating from the sound source which isn't sufficient to control the LEDs.
Recipient Circuit for Li-Fi:
On the recipient side, we are utilizing Solar panel and a speaker which is associated with an Aux link. You can likewise make your own speaker circuit for getting end.
Working of Audio Transfer circuit utilizing Li-Fi:
In transmitter side, when we associate 3.5mm jack to sound source LED will shine however there is no variance in the power of light when the sound source is OFF. When you play the sound, you will see that there is frequent change in the force of light. At the point when you increment the volume, LED's power is changing quicker than the human eye can follow.
The solar panel is delicate to the point that it can get little force change and correspondingly there is an adjustment in the voltages at the yield of the solar panel. Along these lines, when the light of LED falls on the panel, voltages will differ as per the power of light. At those point voltages of the solar panel are nourished into an intensifier (Speaker) which enhances the sign and giving the sound yield through the speaker associated with the enhancer.
The yield will come as long as the solar panel is in contact with LEDs. You can put the LED at max. 15-20cm good ways from the solar panel to get the reasonable sound yield. You can additionally expand the range by expanding the zone of solar panel and higher wattage Power LED.
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