The project aims to provide smart ticketing or smart travelling of daily passengers. Daily travellers need to go through the long queue at ticketing centre and also the cost manipulation is quite a time taking. The time lag can harm the daily travellers so there is a need for a card which contains information about the traveller. A smart system will read the data and then calculate the cost accordingly on the options chosen by the traveller. This would save a lot of time and will be time-saving.
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9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
The project is based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Detection) which senses the readings and process the data as fast as possible. The card will at the traveller and the systems be installed at the stations which will efficiently read the data from the cards.
Project Implementation
The system flow will be like from tag to sensing, then server web app to get station data, then calculating the distance to calculating fare, then to save in database. For the following system flow, we will need the Arduino platform. Arduino is open-source software which helps in building such projects. Arduino programming language will be used to do the coding but it also supports C and C++ language.
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Arduino is capable of sensing light, fingerprints, etc. The RFID reader MFRC522 is used for the project. This would facilitate a contactless reading of the data from the tags which are at the traveller end. The communication is done on a range of 13.56 MHZ. For decoding the radio frequency to data we will be using the MIFARE compatible cards system.
For the database handling and storage, MySQL database software is used. It is easy to use and implement. Although due to a huge data handling because obviously, a lot is travellers travel daily by trains, Big Data concept will be good. There are separate tables created for data like user id, history, etc. For manipulation of this huge data, Big Data would be good which is capable of sorting and searching large data such as train ticketing system.
The scope of the project is quite large as it can be used in various other places such as all public transport whether in buses also. It can also be used for the reservation system and as security in transactions. The RFID system is simple and easy to use. Anyone with a little knowledge of electrical signals can deal with the project. The system is popular and can be used anywhere where there is a need to read the data from the cards.
We have come across Arduino, RFID system which will enable us to implement this project. The project is simple and easy to build which will communicate with the computer. It will facilitate the passengers to save their time while ticketing rather than standing in long queues. The developer needs to learn Arduino programming language to develop the project on the Arduino platform. But it can also be done C and C++ language.
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