With the recent development in technologies, many innovative products are arising and their development is making the life of people better day by day
The advancement has bought many applications and advantages, but it also has some disadvantages which lead to cause bad effects on people’s life
Due to the upgrading lifestyle, people are so engaged that they are unable to take their care and are suffering more problems
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
To avoid such problems medicine dispenser was introduced which would help people to remind to take their tablets and remember them various reminders which would help them to improve their health
The medicine dispenser is in the form of a band and contains a vibrator, which vibrates and reminds him to take his tablets
Various components required
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Supporting technologies
From the above project, it can be concluded that the use of medicine dispenser should be promoted and more techniques should be developed to improve its performance.
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