Today, the most aspiring and interesting research is happening in the field of advancements in Security systems. Right now we have the door lock based on the keyboard (by pressing the password door will be opened), Door lock based on SMS (by sending an SMS, the door will be opened), door lock based on fingerprint (when you scan a proper fingerprint, then only the door will be unlocked) etc.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
But if we use the door lock based on the keyboard, there is a chance of finding the password with the impressions on the buttons created when we had pressed the keys of the keyboard. Through this project, you are going to create a unique project where the door lock will be opened only when you type the password in your mobile using DTMF module.
You will need an Arduino to interface the microcontroller with the Servo motors, DTMF module, and Wi-Fi module. You will programme the microcontroller in such a way that as soon as you press the password in the mobile app (DTMF tone generator) , immediately the servo motors will start rotating which in turn the door lock will be opened. You can also innovate the system where the door lock present status can be updated to the remote server for further analysis using a Wi-Fi module.
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Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++)
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