We all love to watch TV, don't we? Whether it's India’s cricket match or your mother's favorite serial, it is safe to say, that every Indian household would be incomplete without a TV. Ever since its creation, the TV has been changing the way we consume media.
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6. Smart Energy Meter using GSM
9. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
Everything from the field of film-making to advertising has changed radically due to the movie-box. That is why this time around, we will take a look at a wireless technology project, centered around a television.
Project Description
If you sneak out of bed to watch a late-night football match, what do you do first? Turn the speaker down real low, so that your mother and father don't catch you, right? Well, by implementing this project, you can say goodbye to those woes. This wireless technology project will help you use headphones while watching TV, getting rid of the excessive noise problem.
Wireless communication helps you transmit and receive data over distances, using various techniques, such as radiofrequency, infrared waves. This project can be done via both these methods. In this method, we have preferred RF waves because they allow for more substantial flexibility in terms of other components required. These headphones can be used to listen to your favorite song or binge-watch your favorite TV show for up to 20 feet range.
The wireless technology headphones project aims to create:
Project Implementation
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