The following projects are based on c programming. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using c programming.
The main theme of the project is to extract the brain tumors from the MRI images with some noise removal functions, segmentation and morphological operations which are the basic concepts of image processing using MATLAB software.
This MATLAB project is used to identfy the authorized and unauthorized vechicle using number plate. The number can be extracted using the character segmentation.
This project aims to design automatic control system for rail-road transportation system by implementing a PID feedback controller to achieve the desired speeds.
In this project we are going to learn how to create some musical notes or voices with the help of programming Arduino and some other electronic devices this project will be fun and entertaining for those who are the musician or who loves ti listen to music. You will learn the programming and electronic by a practical session with us and we will make sure at the same time you are enjoying.
There is a lot of electricity loss in homes due to the fans and lights that are kept on even when no one is present in the room. My idea is basically to inform a user that when he leaves his/her home if any of the basic appliances like the fans or lights, televisions, fans or air conditioners are left on accidentally, which are the basic and major electricity consuming appliances of our house. Some appliances like televisions and air conditioners consume electricity even when just their switchboard switches are on, it isn't much but a cumulative sum of a 1000 houses with the same condition would be a large enough number.
Want to develop practical skills on latest technologies? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
As busy engineering students, we know the importance of saving time. Especially in the morning, every extra minute is well worth it. That's why we have created a shower temperature system. Using this system, you can turn on your shower and go back to whatever you were doing. Rather than having to stick your hand into the shower, you can wait for the system to notify you that the shower is ready. In addition to helping save time, this system also helps you avoid uncomfortable showers. No one likes getting into the shower, only to realize that the shower is freezing cold or scolding hot. Imagine the possibilities available with this temperature sensing system. With a target temperature and an accurate error reading, many of the building blocks are in place to turn a normal shower into a shower that can set its own temperature. Overall, this project has been a great learning experience, and we hope you find it useful!
Did you ever think that how the street lights automatically turn ON in the night and turn OFF automatically at morning? Is there any person who comes to ON/OFF these lights? The following circuit that described below which perform this job automatically. This circuit employed the output from an uncomplicated light/dark activated circuit and oblige a relay in its output which can be further attached to switch ON/OFF a street light and electrical application in a household also.Automatic street light control is used to control the street lights(Turn on and off based on the light).
As we all know (and some might have experienced) the energy and fascination any human gets whenever he comes across a high-speed racing, a good looking automobile or a car. Some dream to have a Lamborghini and some dream of a little scientific to own a Batmobile but ever dreamt to have an automobile which can transform itself into a humanoid bot?
Car security system can be divided into two main parts: one is the active security systems. The other is the passive security system. Anti-lock braking system (ABS) is an important active security system. It can effectively enhance the driving stability, reduce the braking distance, and to some extent, prevent the accident from happening. The emergency brake of a moving car may cause sudden locking of the wheel.
The Step block Robot consists of a robot chassis kit and armless body, with a servo motor to move the head around. The robot has a cubical head 8 pixels on a side,body & four legs,six motors, and six wheels.
Drones are everywhere in the world. It is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be approximately 7 million drones in the sky and looking the trend it is important to ensure that drone enthusiasts are operating in a peaceful and safe manner.
Over 40% of the road accidents that occur around the world, occur due to some issues related to brake failure. So, what can we do about this as engineers? As the number of vehicles on the road increase exponential, with every passing year, ensuring road safety becomes a principal concern. As engineers, we must create devices and concepts that will help to solve every-day problems. Brake failure is one such problem that hounds the automobile industry.
There are over 1.4 billion users of Android phones and android apps. Hence, it goes without saying that this is a field with a lot of unlocked potential. Every day we come across some innovative app that no one had ever thought of before. Everything from note-taking to voice recording is now being handled by applications on our phones. All these advancements and innovations has helped make our lives easier and more comfortable. The mobile phone market is billowing and the rate of expansion is increasing exponentially as the demand for mobile applications and phones is on the rise.
In the 21st century, time is money. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, we now have the power to do things faster and more efficiently. Whenever someone takes up a new project, one of the most important things they need to consider is how they will manage all the parts involved in completing the project. Being able to run and manage projects efficiently makes all the difference, as it determines whether a project will be a success or a failure.
Security is a top priority nowadays due to the rising crime rates and so people are not hesitant when it comes to spending on technology to keep them and their loved ones safe. Hence, a technology that revolves around security systems and surveillance devices has increased tremendously in the last few years. CCTV cameras are important tools that help people keep an eye on their homes even while at work.
With time being of the essence in the twenty-first century, we see the rise of a situation wherein people want to stay on top of things but don’t have the time to do so. That is why, in the last couple of years, there has been a phenomenal rise in the number of news aggregators on the web.
Being an adult is about being able to manage your finances properly. You don’t want a situation wherein you are only half-way into your month and already out of cash. Most of us millennials have a habit of overspending if we have too much money with us. Also, with so much exposure to online media and shopping, it doesn’t surprise me that most people can’t seem to make it to the end of the month without going broke! What if I told you there’s a simple way to put your love for coding to some good use! Use your Python knowledge to create a handy expense tracker to make sure you end the month with enough money in your wallet.
Most of us don't go anywhere without our headphones because we can't imagine a long bus journey or wait without listening to music. Headphone sales and music sales have never been higher before, and this just proves how dependent we are on our music. MP3 players are hence a must-have for almost every millennial now, and hence is a great option for a field to invest time studying. Here’s a look at a simple Python program that will work as an MP3 Player.
Trying to identify the bird species is a challenging task and often leads to ambiguous labels. Many times professional bird watchers fail to recognize the species of a bird from the image provided. Though many bird species are having the same basic set of parts like a beak, legs, feathers, etc, they can vary much in shape and appearance. The identification of birds species is a challenging task for both humans and computers. Factors like lighting, background or variation in positions (like swimming bird, flying bird) make a larger difference in recognizing the bird species for computers.
So in this python project, we are going to apply the power of machine learning with Python to identify the bird species from images.
This web-based java project is also known as the “Corporate Medicare Management” and it is used to provide a better way for the management of the data of staff and hospitals. This java project uses data mining technology and it proves a better application meant for modern hospitals and clinics. While developing this project, one can download the source code for free and the project reports are also available for free on the internet.
This java project is a software-based application that helps the electricity department in building the computerized bills of the consumers. The project mainly focuses on the calculation of electricity units consumed by the consumers. The system should be very efficient so as to do the calculations very fast and avoid data redundancy.
If you are going for an IT background field then you must understand the basic concept of programming. All of you are aware of the C programming language which is a very basic procedure-oriented programming language. You start your programming journey with this programming language but do you know the practical implementations of the concepts which you have learned in C programming. If you don’t know then any need to worry, Skyfi Labs will help you to start your practical journey of programming languages.
Project Description
So in this article, we are taking a look at the Student Admission System. Actually this project is for beginners, who just learn to code and want to implement it in actual application. So this system is basically for some practical purpose which is not secure as the others. You can save the data in a text file using C concepts.
All the students from IT background must understand the basic concept of programming. All of you aware of the C programming language which is a very basic procedure-oriented programming language. You can start your programming journey with this programming language but do you know the practical implementations of the concepts which you have to learn in C programming. If you don’t know then any need to worry, Skyfi Labs will help you to start your practical journey of programming languages. Let’s begin with the Project Description.
C is a procedure-oriented programming language. As an all-purpose programming language, C programming has a diverse range of usability. With the advent of C programming, memory allocation and optimization became a lot easier. C programming is portable and has its own advantages. Kernels of many operating systems like Linux, Mac and windows are scripted in C. We had learned all concepts of the C programming language. But do you know the practical applications of C, If not then Skyfi Labs will help you to learn more about C programming?
Project Description
This article gives the overview that how to create a digital alarm clock using C language. Actually this project is for beginners, who just learn to code and want to implement it in actual application. So this system is basically for some practical purpose. There is a small program and you can code it just in 15 minutes.
Most of the students prefer C as their initial programming language. Students learn simple concepts very easily and code some basic programs on structure, array, pointers and many more but when it comes to the actual implementation of the concepts in the project it seems more difficult for most of them. So practising project implementation is necessary to boost up the knowledge. Skyfi Labs will help you to start with the project implementation by giving basic guidelines for the project implementation.
Project Description
In this article we are discussing the Calender Application Project using C. We all have smartphones and laptops in which there is a calendar application present which gives the daily update about date and day. But do you know, how it works? This article will give you a basic overview of How to make a calendar application using C programming. The project does not have any graphical use but it is simple to understand and use. The project is for beginners so that they can implement the concept which you learn in C.
Most of the students prefer C as their first programming language. Students learn simple concepts very easily and code some basic programs on structure, array, pointers and many more but when it comes to the actual implementation of the concepts in the project it seems more difficult for most of them. So practising project implementation is necessary to boost up the knowledge. Skyfi Labs will help you to start with the project implementation by giving basic guidelines for the project implementation.
Project Description
The article is all about the infirmary management system project. We all know that it is necessary to keep the record of patients in any kind of Infirmary. For that, they need a system which will save the record of patients in the file format. So here is the system which takes patient’s data as input and displays it with storing the data into the file. The project is for beginners and gives the basic prototype for the data entering and data saving. The project has no graphics but having a simple interface to perform operations. Let’s take a look on the skeleton of the project.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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