In the 21st century, time is money. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, we now have the power to do things faster and more efficiently. Whenever someone takes up a new project, one of the most important things they need to consider is how they will manage all the parts involved in completing the project. Being able to run and manage projects efficiently makes all the difference, as it determines whether a project will be a success or a failure.
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Even if you have the most talented group of workers, or colleagues, unless you know how to manage their skills, and get them to work together, a project will not become a success. Project management software helps you solve this problem. This is an Android project implementation that will help students make their own project management tool which will help them learn the basics of App Dev, while also helping them understand how best to manage a project.
Project Description
This management tool can be put to many uses. For instance, most college students have to organise fests, meetings, cultural get-togethers and parties, but how many are able to do so efficiently? An event requires planning, organisation, operations management, marketing and publicity to become a success. There are several aspects to it which must be followed meticulously. This event management android application allows users to do everything from getting volunteers to help to managing the funds received from sponsors.
We will try to create a single android app that can be used on any android mobile phone, which may be used to manage any college or work event with ease. The application will make use of a centralized server to gather and store all kinds of information related to the event, and all users can share and transfer this data to gain insight into what the event is and how it is being organised.
Concepts Used
- Database Management
- Server Hosting and Maintenance
- Back-end Development
- Front-end Development
- Programming Fundamentals
- Application Development
- Security Maintenance
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Project Implementation
- First and foremost, the levels of clearance and security must be determined. For this application, there are three major levels of clearance: Admin, user, and the organisation or host.
- The user is the one who needs to host the event, and so he or she uses the app to keep track of scheduled events and tasks.
- The admin handles the front-end and back-end development of the application and also helps with technical support.
- If the Host or organisation is satisfied with the user request, they will pick up the event and help the user manage the event. Hence, the app also works as a bridge between management companies and users.
- Hence, the application should also have a database of registered organisations who are willing to take up the event works.
- The admin who is in charge of hosting the server and maintaining the UI will also be in charge of registering the organisations as this is a back-end process.
- Furthermore, if the user wants to run the event themselves without taking the help of an external organisation, the app must have the necessary modules to make life easier for the user.
- The application must, therefore, have a module for budget allocation, scheduling tasks must sync to the calendar and must also help the user create databases.
- Logging In: This module will help the organiser register volunteers to the server who will also be able to use the app to manage their duties. Backe-nd development must ensure that all login attempts are verified at the server side.
- Database Creation: This module allows organisers to create mySQL databases that store data regarding the various events. Since Android comes with SQLite, no further support is required to integrate it.
- Event Creation: This module will help the host schedule and event and raise publicity for it. The module will set a date and time, sync it with the calendar and take in all required inputs such as tasks left to complete for the event and budget.
- Tracking: This module will help the main host keep track of all the volunteers and their progress regarding the tasks handed to them.
- Budgeting: This works as a normal budgeting application that reduces money from the initial sponsor money whenever a purchase is made. It must also have an intimation feature so that the host is notified if the event exceeds the budget.
- Making use of Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer will enable Android 4.0 device users to connect with each other and share data, so that is a good step to add as well.
Benefits of Event Management Apps
- Helps assign and schedule tasks.
- Helps in successfully estimating the time of completion.
- Helps plan activities.
- Helps track the development of tasks.
- Helps in the execution of plans.
- Helps with resource allocation and management
- Helps organisers keep track of spending
- Helps in the analysis of event management
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Skyfi Labs
2019-11-02 •
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