Many youngsters are addicted to chronic drug use, truth be told, numerous youngsters can't bear the cost of mental treatment, some of whom are reluctant to portray themselves as drug addicts in the public eye to find an answer so they don't get satisfactory treatment since they stay classified. It is prompting wrongdoing. There are such a large number of youngsters who can fathom medicates that so we have to make an open space for youngsters where they can talk, share experiences and options from companions who can explain chronic drug use and get them to converse with a therapist.
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Issue Statement:
Drug maltreatment among young people is a typical issue and a large number of them despite everything don't have clinical help during open offences. Youthful drug addicts are frightened to be viewed as a drug fanatic in society, some of whom are terrified to talk about adulthood however much as could be expected, that it's not an improvement after recovery and absence of individual access to the web where they can find support from experts as Psychologists also. a spot where they can talk, share experiences, as it were, find support from different guardians.
General Objectives:
The general point of this Drug Addicts Counseling System study is to create Android applications that will make online environments for the individuals who think about drugs that help two or three drug-free individuals who likewise permit youths to be driven by a clinician.
Specific objectives:
Plan and actualize Android applications addicts, medicate addicts, and therapists.
Keep up online network support for drug addicts when they recoup.
Given a conversation discussion.
Talk rooms offer members join.
Give texting between clients.
give online direction between the therapist and the utilization of the texting patient.
Provide a personal blog in which we can share ordinary experiences.
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Utilitarian Requirements:
Technologies used:
Android Studio
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