Android App Development

Android Application Development

Now a days mostly everyone is using the services of android but from different companies. But it is very important to know how those services are created, which platform they are using for building apps, games etc. Because it is not only important to have knowledge but this field is very interesting. Through this project you are going to learn how to create a working android app which can be used in real time application.

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Android Application Development project Looking to build projects on Android App Development?:

Android App Development Kit will be shipped to you and you can learn and build using tutorials. You can start for free today!

1. Android App development using Android Studio

2. Mobile App development using Flutter

You will need the online android app creating platform called as MIT App Inventory to create an app and android phone to install and use the app.

Project Description:

  1. App Inventor: App Inventor allows Android Apps to be built and has building blocks which are easy to understand and implement. There are 2 steps, first you need add interfacing elements to the application such as buttons, images and sounds. Then secondly, you need to add logic and actions with plain language instruction blocks that will snap together like building blocks. You can use MIT App Inventor for this.
  2. Android Mobile: we need an android mobile in order to install the app created and to use it.

How to build Android App Development projects Did you know

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Project Implementation:

  1. First install the MITAI2 Companion in your android phone
  2. Now go to MIT App Inventory 2 website
  3. Create an account using your Gmail
  4. Go to project and select new project and give a name
  5. Now select the Designer option at right top corner
  6. In this window you can add the outline of the app in the way which you want it to look like
  7. Once outline is done, then click on the Blocks option beside Designer option
  8. In this window you need to type the code in the form of blocks
  9. Once all the blocks are coded, select build option in the top centre and select the apk with QR code option
  10. Then one QR code will appear on the screen. Scan the QR code using MIT APP companion
  11. The App you had created will be downloaded into your mobile and directly redirected to the installation page
  12. Install the app and use it

Software requirements:

  1. MIT App Inventory 2
  2. MIT AI2 companion

Programming language: Block Programming (C)

Latest projects on Android App Development

Want to develop practical skills on Android App Development? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free

Kit required to develop Android Application Development:
Technologies you will learn by working on Android Application Development:
Android Application Development
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-05-18

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