Android App Development
Develop an Android App for House Rental Management System
Sneha Kashyap

As we all know it is difficult to manage time for your daily needs in this fast-moving world. With this case there is a need for change in a technological field, there's an urgent must embrace and appreciate the power of innovative technology. So there is a vital situation to manage one in all the essential need that's a shelter or home for survival. If you are not known to an individual in some cities and want to rent a house than it's difficult to hunt out suitable aim time. Hence, there's a requirement to develop a House Rental management App that will simplify the work for the rental managers and tenants so all their works are often done efficiently and effectively. It's also difficult to hunt out the renter on time, for the owner and property managers. This App will provide the whole knowledge about houses which is accessible for Rent. It will make easy to hunt out the position of Houses, need of rooms and other facts by the renter. Using this app the Landlords even have provision to post or update their property details whenever they want.
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Project Description
- House Rental management App is fully static and effective app. It'll provide the knowledge to the tenants about the homes which are accessible for Rent. They can easily search for their needs using keywords like property type, location, etc.
- On the other side, the Landlord has the facility to post or modify their property details with admin approval.
- It can be helpful to easily upload the position, phone number, Expected rent, No. of rooms, Facilities and other information by the
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Modules used in this project
This project has two major modules that are:
- Registration by the landlord: First, the owner of the house should register their land with their name, location, contact No, expected rent, No. of rooms, Facilities and other information.
- Login by Landlord: the owner uses the app by login into the app with their login credentials.
- Add Tenants: New Tenant is added by the landlord by entering Tenant personal details with verification ID.
- Update availability: Owner can moderate or update no. Of rooms, area,
- Generate the rent invoice: Monthly bill is generated for the renters.
- Payment status: View payment status and easily detects which tenant has paid, not paid and have balance.
- Registration by the tenants: First, the tenant should register themselves by their names and private details like id, contact,
- Login by the tenants: The Tenant uses the app by login into the app with their login credentials.
- Add Requirements: Tenants can upload their requirements to appear house as per their choice.
- Search houses location: they will search about feasible lands and placement in their budget.
- Handling Payment: Payment details can be viewed, the status of payment, and submit
Software requirements:
- Windows 8, Windows 10 (ultimate, enterprise)
- Android Development Kit
- Eclipse IDE 3.4 or higher version.
- Front End: XML, JAVA
- Back End: MySQL, PHP
Hardware requirements:
- Processor – i3 Intel
- Hard Disk – 2 GB
- Memory – 500 MB RAM
- Android Phone with KitKat and advanced version
Project Implementation
The House Rental Management App is utilized to simplify the house related problems of people. The House Rental Management App is the best thanks to searching the house, Apartment office, Paying Guest, etc.
- Firstly, users install the app on their Android device.
- After the installation process, it'll ask whether registered or not?
- If it isn't registered then, it'll give registration option. Otherwise, it'll show the login page.
- After login, it'll attend the home page, where the user can do the posting of their land or search for the rent house.
- Afterwards, they have to finalize the deal by talking to each other.
- Make the payment.
- Log out
- It'll save the physical toil and valuable time for a person to hunt out rented suitable house.
- It's given a suitable advantage to both Tenants and Landlords to efficiently and effectively manage the business and satisfies every customer.
- It'll be an Open Source Application which can be freely Installed in Android Phones.
- It doesn't contain any insurance module now.
- Internet connection is required to appear places.
- Only registered users can use this app.
Future Applications:
- It will increase the possibilities to high customer retention and simplify House Rent management
- This may use by realty Companies to increase the house rental market around the globe.
- It'll also help people to rent apartments/houses easily compared with walking, and manually renting houses.
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Kit required to develop Develop an Android App for House Rental Management System:
Technologies you will learn by working on Develop an Android App for House Rental Management System:
House Rental Management application using Android
Skyfi Labs
2020-03-19 •
Last Updated: