As we probably know and aware that it is too difficult to even think about finding great assistance/service for home these days, utilizing the application, the public can find good service near their home a per need. At the same time as worker selection, he/she can view the ability and skillset, references given by those who have taken their service in the past area i.e worker location and accessibility of a specific worker's system sends SMS to a chosen worker with respect to work and user/public subtleties. Workers affirm either through telephone or this framework and either fixed up a meeting or working beginning date. In our App users can rate worker skills, charges, propensities, about timing, commitment, behavior, etc. and so on through this app. Users can put their requests in regards to specific ability/skilled workers along with project location, and details. Also, users can give feedback to the workers. This process is exceptionally helpful for users who want to give the work to the workers. Simultaneously workers likewise uncover their multi-skills to get the work and gain the money with ease.
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Project Description
First thing you need to ensure you have Android environment in your PC, if you don’t have please download and if you have one, then let get started -
Local Services Finder App making
1. Homepage: This page will have two buttons i.e Public/User Registration and another for Worker Registration.
2. Some recommended modules for the app can be:
3. Java- We will use Java as our programming language.
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4. XML- XML for design/layout the app.
5. Database- for storage purposes and this app will use firebase storage.
Again these modules depend on the designer's need, So you can include or erase the module likewise.
Project Implementation:
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-Programming language -Java, XML for designing the app
-Firebase database
-Android Studio or Eclipse IDE or Notepad++
-A USB cable
Kit required to develop Local Services Finder App using android:Join 250,000+ students from 36+ countries & develop practical skills by building projects
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