The following projects are based on drone. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using drone.
Drones are something we call as UAV(unmanned Aerial Vehicles) an aircraft without an human pilot. UAVs are basically an ground controlled system means they are fully Autonomous. Application of Drones are expanding from commercial, scientific, recreational, agricultural, and other applications.IT can be used in Landways, waterways, airways or in space. The advantage of Saucer shape is that is more aerodynamic as compared to other shapes and as it has only one rotor its quite difficult to fly.Due to is shape its having some angle 30 to 60 degree when the drone is parallel to ground. The use of solar here to increase the endurance of the flight by transferring power to the Rechargeable battery. Well, it's difficult to obtain the optimum amount of voltage and current (V= IR).
From many years, maps are useful for collecting, storing and manipulating information about the world. Maps also help in the decision-making process and to find where we are in relation to the environment. Due to the advancement in technology, many new technologies emerge to faster the process of mapping. UAV mapping is one of the advanced technology developed recently.
Heartbeat sensing without some physical connection utilizing signal and image processing is one of the best techniques. This drone project gives an effective way for remotely estimating heart rate and respiratory rate from video recorded by a flying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Image-processing systems connected with particularly designed algorithms support drones to detect changes in people at once, while people are moving.
In today’s world drones are widely used for various applications. A lot of cool things can be done with the help of drones. Drones with quad configuration are used for major application because of the following reasons: simple in design, agility and easy to control. But the quad configuration has some disadvantages like more power consumption compared to tri and twin copters, Quad frame occupies more area and flight time is also less.
Drones are popular due to their simplicity, agility and wide range of applications. But drones are also used for illegal activities like destroying property, smuggling, injuring people, spying and so on. Illegal usage of drones became a global issue. Now that anyone can become a drone pilot with some basic knowledge in drone and some few hundred bucks. With the flooded technology in the market, it is difficult to prevent the misuse of drones. A large-sized commercial plane can be easily grounded using a small drone.
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Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which finds application in different fields. Nowadays drone racing gained more popularity and experts claim it will be even more popular in the near future. However, drones used for racing are not the same as the commercial drones used for photography and delivery. Racing drones are small quads that specially built for racing. They are designed to be more agile and travel at higher speeds to perform complex stunts.
Drones are evolving day by day as more investment and innovative ideas bring advanced drones to the market. Drones are used for various applications like surveillance, delivering packages, inspecting crops, firefighting and so on. In this project, you will learn about a drone that is controlled by compressed air. Generally, drones are powered by electric motors to produce thrust and to control the direction. Using electric motors will increase the drone weight and it consumes more power. So, large-sized batteries are required to power the drone for a longer period.
Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles which are remotely operated by a pilot or with the help of computers. In earlier days drones were used only for military purpose, With the evolution in technology and to reduce the risk of humans later drones are developed for civil purposes like mapping, surveying, firefighting and so on.
There are different types of security system that are available in the world but most of them are having some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is Closed Circuit camera is fixed on the walls and can record only one side at a time, so it can be damaged from the other side.
Drone is one of the best invention of the flying industry. In this project you will build a drone that can fly on its own. You will also install a camera at its base. It will have the ability to detect humans and take snapshots by itself. You will program it to fly without a remote control.
Racing drones can reach speed up to 150 Km/hr. These drones are used by drone enthusiasts for racing, to shoot videos and to perform stunts, etc. By implementing artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques into these drones we can make it autonomous which helps in reaching much higher speeds than the speed achieved during manual control. In this article, you will learn to build an autonomous racing drone from scratch.
Nowadays drones are used in almost all the fields, from this article, you will get an idea to fabricate a ducted fan drone. Ducted fans have the advantage of producing more thrust than a conventional propeller with the same diameter. Ducted fans are silent when compared to the conventional propellers and have reduced blade tip losses which increases efficiency.
Ducted fan drones can be easily operated in indoors or can be flown near to the people. Conventional drones (with propeller) may hurt people or the propellers might get damaged during the indoor flight.
In this project, you will learn how to build a fire fighting drone, which can able to detect and put off the fire both autonomously and manually. Making a final year project on drones will definitely help you to build a nice career.
In recent years drones gained more popularity because of its wide range of applications and the day to day advancements in their features. Fire fighting is one of the difficult tasks where firefighters risk their lives to save the victims. To make the rescuing process easy and safe, drones are implemented to extinguish the fire.
A flock of birds can easily bring down a billion-dollar aircraft. You might have read some news like aircraft is halted or crash happened because of a bird strike. In the US alone there were 142,000 bird strikes happened between 1990 and 2013 which killed 24 people and destroyed 64 civilian aeroplanes.
Birds are not only affecting the aviation industry but also other fields like Agriculture, Marine docks, Football grounds, etc.
In this drone project, we will try to figure out a solution to the above-mentioned problems caused by birds. Nowadays drones gained huge popularity because of the following features such as manoeuvrability, easy to control, low manufacturing cost, etc.
Here we are going to implement drones to scare/control the birds by producing ultrasonic sounds (Bird repellant) without making any harm to the birds as well as the environment.
Nowadays drones are gaining popularity very fast because of their wide range of applications. In this project, we will see how to develop an agricultural drone and what all things can be done using it.
Due to the depletion of natural resources, all the farmers started implementing Precision agriculture (PA). Precision Agriculture is a technique that uses Information Technology to give the crops and soil what exactly is required which ensures sustainability, profitability and protection to the environment.
Technological advancement has proved the impossible things as possible. Similarly, the recent innovations in UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) which are commonly known as drones paved the way for the newer way of transportation not only for carrying goods but also to carry humans from one place to another.
Increased usage of Automobiles like cars, bikes in the metro cities escalated the traffic and also increased pollution. To overcome both the issues here we are going to develop a drone project which can able to carry passengers from one place to another like a taxi.
Drones are getting advanced day by day and their usage also increased in various fields. With the help of drones, you can able to accomplish various types of missions by spending less. In this drone project, we will discuss how to build a drone with terrain following mode using the Mission Planner software.
Crowd control and monitoring is a difficult task for the police forces if the strength of the crowd is huge. Usually, the police will use tear gases to disperse the crowds in uncontrolled situations but during this process, the police might be injured to avoid such situations we can use the drone to control the crowds.
With the advancement in technologies, the usage of drones increased a lot. In this drone project, we will propose a solution to this problem.
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV) in both military and commercial sectors have expanded greatly in recent years. The advancement in technologies paved a way for developing a single vehicle which is capable of working on both Air and underwater environment.
In this drone project, you are going to develop a fixed-wing drone that can able to fly like an aircraft and swim like a fish.
Recent advancement in aerospace and automobile paved the way for new gadgets. Hoverbike is one such innovation which combines the technology of helicopter and bike to make the transportation better.
In this aeronautical project, we will discuss the design consideration, applications and materials used to build the hoverbike. Also, you will learn to build a miniature hoverbike.
Drones are becoming more popular than ever due to their unimaginable applications and fascinating modifications. Along with their applications, the manufacturing cost of the drones also will increase. To overcome the above problem in this project idea, we are going to propose a solution. The best way to reduce the cost is by reducing the components used.
Modular drones are aerial vehicles which can be modified on the go. A single drone can be modified and used for various purposes. For example, you want the drone to capture high-quality videos - use an HD camera mod or you want to use the drone to convey information - fix the speaker mod or you want the drone to display something - attach the screen mod.
Generating power from winds is the purest form of energy generation method when compared to other energy generation methods like thermal powerplant, nuclear power plant, etc. It also doesn’t affect the atmosphere by releasing harmful gases like Carbon dioxide or Carbon monoxide. But for generating electricity from the wind needs a huge setup such as blades, pillars, generators, etc. It also requires a lot of maintenance after the implementation. The cost of setting up the wind turbine is also very high.
In this aeronautical project idea, we will propose an innovative solution to generate electricity from the wind. We are going to develop an Airborne wind energy system to replace the traditional windmills.
Drones are the major innovation of this century which is widely used for various applications. They already proved their ability in various fields. Here we are going to use tethered drones to generate power from the wind. Here the drones are launched in the air and positioned at an altitude of 600-1000 feet. At this altitude, the turbulence of the wind will be less compared to the altitude where the conventional wind turbine is positioned.
Drones or Unmanned Aerial vehicles are used widely to do various things in fields like logistics, rescue, surveillance, inspection, and many more. More innovations are happening in the structure of the aerial vehicles to reduce the size of the aerial robot to make it more agile. Multirotors are more stable than fixed-wing but the size of the drone and the rotor positioning make it inaccessible in small areas.
In this drone project, we will try to implement biomimicry design in aerial robots to solve the structural issue in accessing small areas. Aerial transformation is one way to solve the problem. Here we are going to implement a biomimicry design similar to snake with the help of multi-link structure. This provides the ability of multi-degree of freedom aerial transformation.
Drones are Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that finds its applications in various fields from delivering packages to surveillance, agriculture and many more. In this drone project, we are going to develop an autonomous seed sowing drone that can be used to plant trees in both agricultural fields and forest.
With the help of tree planting drones, you can plant a large number of trees quickly in less time. Seed sowing drones can be used for reforestation to plant a large number of trees that are destroyed due to forest fire or natural calamities.
Farmers and environmental agencies are facing difficulties in planting the trees or sowing seeds in the field. This seed sowing drone provides an effective solution to solve the problem by sowing seeds quickly with more accuracy. These drones are operated in a swarm to cover the large area in less time.
The unmanned Aerial Vehicle or Drone is one of the best innovations of mankind. From photography, surveillance, public safety, logistics, law enforcement, agriculture, and many other fields, drones are deployed to ease the work. Though the drone has a variety of advantages the major limitation is flight time. Even the advanced drones have a flight time of 30 minutes only.
In this drone project, we are going to solve this problem by developing a tethered drone. With tethered drones, the endurance of the flight is increased compared to free-flying drones.
As the usage of drones is expanding day by day the misuse and accidents are also increasing because of drones. Before testing a drone in real-time simulating it on a simulator will decrease the wastage of time and money. By doing this, the occurrence of accidents due to the malfunction in hardware or software of drones can also be avoided. In this ROS tutorial, we are going to simulate a drone in FlytSim simulator which is a ROS-Gazebo based setup.
FlytSim is a 3D simulator for Drone applications. This simulator helps developers to test their applications at the convenience of their laptop/desktop. With the SITL simulation environment, the developed application can be tested without the drone hardware. During the simulation, autopilot uses the same algorithm on FC to make the behaviour close to real-time.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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