Object tracking algorithm VLSI project

In this VLSI project, we will discuss how an algorithm lock and track the objects. This algorithm is created to use the highly similar building and the speed of VLSI implementation of the cellular neural network universal machine. The algorithm has the ability to lock on the object and analyze the coordinates within the image. CNN chip-specific robust templates are produced in order to implement the method on a real CNN-UM chip. The tests and results of the study show that a CNN-UM chip which runs this procedure can be used in real-time tracking application which able to achieve good performance. In upcoming days the object tracking system becomes more important in use.

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Object tracking system gives the analysis of objects and person movement in video images and also making it possible to calculate their position in time, direction and the speed with which they are moving, the weather and also gives the information whether they will collide or meet. Locking of objects helps us to identify the specific object if there are some objects in place. This application is used in various fields. Real-time changes can be done completely by using a cellular neural network universal machine VLSI operation. Such components are able to send the very high processing speeds owning its high parallel and analogic array processing. The object of this procedure is mainly to provide the coordinates of the object given by the image frames.

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In order to provide the locking, the object should be selected from other objects in the same frame and locking should be done to path the object with locking system. In the absence of the chip-based CNN-UM, there is no working of the system properly. There are several reasons for not working on the system but the main reason is industrial failure to reproduce the silicon exact model of cellular neural network. To calculate the speed founding is made by using Digital signal processing with the digital computer.


This explains to us how algorithm locks and track the object in a video image. The locking of the object provides us to identify the object even there are similar objects in the scene this system helps us to identify the specific object. This method can be used in a wide range of applications requiring real-time constrains as hard as 370 frames per second by using direct optical image acquisition. The implementation of chip-specific robust templates avoids most of misbehaves of the applied templates on the CNN-UM chip.

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Object tracking algorithm VLSI project
Skyfi Labs Last Updated: 2022-04-19

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