The following projects are based on display. This list shows the latest innovative projects which can be built by students to develop hands-on experience in areas related to/ using display.
The device that you build as part of this project is an application of Internet of Things (IOT). The electronic device that you build can assist the drivers in selecting the suitable parking spot for them. The data that the system collects will be sent to the cloud and anyone across the globe can access the data to do some analysis.
Today almost all railway stations, bus stations are using Digital Display boards to show the all kinds of information, but they are connected wires. Through the project you are going to build a unique system where you can give provide information on the Electronic Notice Board in Wireless manner(where that notice board are controlled by an SMS using GSM modem). This modem uses a SIM card and operates through a subscription with the mobile operator. Many people they don’t know how to interface GSM module with 8051 microcontroller. We will see a series of steps describing how GSM modem will be interfaced with 8051 microcontroller.
A Mirror is a part of every person’s life, everybody looks in the mirror every day and how would it be if you can display the weather details, the calendar, time and date, reminders, news and anything you need to see before you leave somewhere.
The PIC16F877A development board has lot of application in the engineering field and the students have to learn the interfacing the controller to the display the alphabetic words or Numeric.
The Internet of Things is a concept where that allows us to access continuous data sharing, remote control, and data monitoring. IoT is a concept which helps us in getting the data from any Wireless Sensor Network through the internet, and this monitoring or controlling of the data should be in real time.
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Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.
Wireless surveillance monitoring using Raspberry Pi is a project where you can monitor your home, office, or any other place through a web address or an Android app. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.
There are surveillance CCTV and other home automated devices that can show you the live video and can take images you can use the same technology to monitor from a remote place and also to control the surveillanc edevice through your phone. you can do this by fixing the surveillance system on a robot and you can control the robot from your smartphone. You can take still images, watch live streaming and also record the videos.
Ultrasonic sensor is used as a range finder or a distance calculator, It generates sound waves and waits for the echo and depending on the timing of the echo It calculates the distance between the sensor and the object. In this project you will be using the ultrasonic sensor to find the objects coming in the range, this project is somewhat similar to the radar, so the utrasonic sensor constantly sends sound pulses and if the sound waves are received back then there is aobject in in front of the sensor. You can create a GUI to show the area of the coverage of the sensor and if there is any object infront of the sensor you can also show the position of the object.
It is reported that for every 14 minutes there is a vehicle stolen in India, and there is 44% rise in the theft and attempt to theft last year and only few of the vehicles reported are recovered. Theft has to be prevented, even after prevention some of the vehicles will be stolen. The vehicle’s position can be known and tracked, by this the thief can be caught and the vehicle will be recovered. The Packages which are sent are not recieved at the destination, or may be delayed and using this project you can track your package.
SMS is a text messaging service component of most telephone, world wide web, and mobile devices. This text messaging can be can be one way or two way, that is if a user wants to send a text message and does not want to receive is one way and if he sends and receives the text messages that is a two way, using GSM module you can send and receive text messages.
As we all know different branches existing in the engineering. Today we are in an era of fusion of such branches like mechanical combined with electronics is mechatronics, linkages with electronics lead to robots and so on. Similarly, there is another interesting type fusion of such of two different branches i.e. electronics and pneumatics.
The security is very much needed everywhere, it can be in the home, office or anywhere. In this project, you will build a digital lock, this locking system opens only when you give the exact passkey.
Wordpress server is a PHP and MySQL based free and open-source blogging platform and a content management system. You can create your own website or a personal blog. This Wordpress is a tool for creating and personalizing a website or a blog where there are many free themes and design plan.
Automation is everywhere now, from industries to home, the automation has lead to a drastic change in this world. There is Automation or Automatic Control everywhere now, from machines, the process in factories, to microwave ovens, switching in telephone, steering, and many more. In this project, you can automate your gate or door and open it whenever a person's or a vehicle's weight is detected.
Supercomputing clusters are multiple computers which are connected and interlinked with each other, these computers are set to function for a specific task where each computer contributes to the function or the specific task.
Time lapse footages are made up of images of the same scene captured over a brief period of time. These footage’s usually consists of cities, landscapes, sky views, constructions, city traffic, sea shores, ocean photography etc. These sceneries usually change over a brief period of time, so capturing images at timer short intervals without any considerable scenery change leads to wastage of storage space.
Drink & drive is a leading cause of road accidents. Detecting drunk driving requires stopping vehicles and manually scanning drivers by using breath analyzers. Well, here this is a system which allows detecting drunk driving in the vehicle itself. The system uses an alcohol sensor with raspberry pi along with a GSM modem for SMS notification.
The main advantage of Image Processing Based Fire Detection System is the early warning benefit. This system can be installed just about anywhere in a commercial building, malls and at many more public places for fire detection. This system uses the camera for detecting fires. So we do not need any other sensors to detect fire. The system processes the camera input and then processor processes it to detect fires.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
You can build this project at home. You can build the project using online tutorials developed by experts. 1-1 support in case of any doubts. 100% output guaranteed. Get certificate on completing.
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