The device that you build as part of this project is an application of Internet of Things (IOT). The electronic device that you build can assist the drivers in selecting the suitable parking spot for them. The data that the system collects will be sent to the cloud and anyone across the globe can access the data to do some analysis.
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5. 2 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
6. 5 IoT Projects (Combo Course)
You can either do this project using an Arduino microcontroller or a Raspberry Pi. If you are using an Arduino Uno then you should also embed a WiFi module on it to establish the connection to internet and send the data live. The raspberry pi will be already embedded with a WiFi module, so you don’t require an extra one to establish the internet connection.
The device that you build will get the data of the parking slot status (whether it is occupied or not) from the digital IR sensors or the pi cams that are present over there. These sensors send the data to the microcontroller and in turn the data will be processed and the status of parking slots will be displayed to the user. If you are using Pi cam, then the image captured will have the data about the availability of parking slots. The data will also be sent to the cloud which can be integrated onto an Android App, so that the user can see the slots available directly from their mobile phones.
Want to develop practical skills on Internet of Things? Checkout our latest projects and start learning for free
The automated parking system using IoT that you develop can be implemented in covered parks, open parks and also street side parking. The smart parking system will have a cloud service provider that provides cloud storage to store information about the parking status in the slots. There will be a centralized server which stores the information about the number of parking slots, availability status and also the parking time.
The functionalities of the components of automated parking system project are as follows,
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Programming language: Arduino Programming (C++), Python Programming
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